
Recipes posted here are all my favourites and I hope to share them with all my friends. For those of you who have tried any of the recipes in this blog, I appreciate if you can rate it for me? (On a scale of 10) ThankYOU!

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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Braised Spicy Porkribs

Pork Ribs (10 to 15 pcs)
Marinate with very little light soy sauce and some cornstarch

Mix and grind or chopped the following together :
4 cloves garlic
1 whole shallots
1 fresh chilli

1 tbsp of Crushed Salted Soya Bean (I use the brand SinSin) if cannot find crushed type, just buy those half bean and use a spoon to crush it.

1 cup Water

Cooking instruction :

  1. Simply stir fry the grinded ingredients with oil, over medium fire.
  2. Add the soya bean. Stir fry...
  3. Add pork ribs. Stir fry until almost cooked...
  4. transfer everything to a pot.
  5. Add water until it just cover the porkribs.
  6. Cook over small-medium fire for 1 hour, or more. Until the liquid almost dry up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rate it 10/10. My mum's secret recipe revealed!!! Cocoa finetuned it to perfection and it adds a whole new taste!!! Babelicious!!!


10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering what to do with my big bottle of soy bean paste and this recipe really made my day. Thanks Cocoa!
Although I had to do without a blender, the end result was really good too!


6:56 PM  

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