
Recipes posted here are all my favourites and I hope to share them with all my friends. For those of you who have tried any of the recipes in this blog, I appreciate if you can rate it for me? (On a scale of 10) ThankYOU!

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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Monday, December 29, 2014

Roast Chicken

Original Recipe adapted from a friend, Abi Ho. Big thanks to her, I'm posting here again after 4 years...because many friends have requested for this recipe, after reading Bryan's super exaggerating comments on how good the taste is....Therefore, here I name this...

The Perfect Roast Chicken

There is no need for overnight marinating. The tip for roasting this chicken is to roast it breast side down, so while roasting, the juice from the top of the roast may sip through to the breast meat, making it juicy and tender.

Ingredients :
1 roasting chicken
1 whole lemon
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
Herbs and Mix Spices**

Any vegetables of your choice, that is suitable for roasting :
Pumpkin, Potatoes, Carrots, Celery, Asparagus, Mushrooms, onions, Zucchini, whole garlics, Capsicums..etc

1) Wash and let dry chicken, or use paper towel to pat dry
2) Season with salt (inside and outside of chicken)
3) Season with spices and herbs (optional) on the outside of chicken
4) Wash and dry a lemon, pricking it all over using a fork
5) Insert the whole lemon into the cavity of the chicken
6) Lastly, drizzle some olive oil on the chicken,
7) Preheat your oven to 200 degree C. Bake uncovered for 1 and a half hours.
8) 30 mins before it is done, add in the vegetables. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt. You may wish to elevate your chicken with a wire rack if you do not want your roasted veggies to be soaking with oil.

**I uses these spices, but you can use any of your fav spice mix suitable for chicken…OR you may prefer to just use salt and pepper, if you don't like the taste of spice.

Point to note : Use proper bakeware for roasting. Do NOT line the tray with aluminium foil whenever cooking with acidic food like lemon or tomatoes...